High bay detector

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New to the comprehensive range of detectors from CP Electronics are two high bay PIR  detectors – the EBDSPIR-HB-PRM and the EBDSPIR-HB-DD -specifically designed for the detection of movement in high bay lighting applications such as warehouses and factories. Both detectors can be used in either presence detection or absence detection mode, with incandescent, fluorescent and compact fluorescent light sources, to provide automatic control of lighting loads with optional manual control.

The versatile EBDSPIR-HB-DD detector can also be used in conjunction with DSI or DALI dimming ballasts over 1 or 2 channels to maintain illuminance to pre-set lux levels, dimming the lighting in proportion to the levels of natural daylight entering the space. The switching channel of the detector can either be used to isolate the supply to the dimming ballasts (saving on the standby current of the ballasts) or to switch a separate channel of standard, non-dimming luminaires.

Two input terminals can be used to manually override the dimming levels and override the lights on or off. The flexibility of having two channels and two switch inputs allows the following example scenarios:

1. Dim an outside row of luminaires whilst internal fittings are switched

2. Provide absence detection for two separate channels

3. Maintained illuminance system with manual up/down controls

For ease of commissioning and re-configuration, both units can be supplied with a DD-LCDHS-LR programming handset. giving complete flexibility over many of the operating parameters. Without the handset, manual adjustments can be made to the sensitivity, lux and time settings using the controls on the rear of the detector head.

CP Electronics




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