New UPS Product Catalogue now available

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The new Socomec UPS catalogue features the recently launched DELPHYS MX 800 and  900kVA and MASTERYS IP+ as well as the full uninterruptible power supply range of units from 550VA right up to 900kVA in single units, the STATYS static transfer system, electronic and automatic transfer switches, rectifiers, communication solutions and routine and corrective maintenance options.

The DELPHYS MX 800 and 900 kVA is specifically designed for large demanding data centre applications, such as banks, insurances, telecommunications, semiconductor production, airports, air traffic control centres and many other large industrial environments. Available up to a maximum system size of 5.4MVA (putting 6 units in parallel) with flexible architecture and the smallest footprint on the market – less than 3.2 meters per unit (including internal bypass).

The MASTERYS IP+ range is available with ratings of 10-80 kVA for three-phase models, and 10-60 kVA for single-phase models, with scalable power and the facility to use up to 6 units in parallel. In all cases the various models are perfectly able to handle unbalanced and non-linear single-phase loads. The integrated transformer is a useful feature since galvanic insulation and neutral connectivity are typically required in industrial applications.

Not forgetting the full GREEN POWER range with it's 96% efficiency, reduced footprint and true online double conversion units, available from 10-40kVA and 100-200kVA. The 200kVA DELPHYS GREEN POWER received approval from the Carbon Trust's Enhanced Captial Allowances scheme (ECA) in compliance with the Inland Revenue regulations and can now be found on the Energy Technology Product List (ETPL).


01285 863327


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