Electrical Review is pleased to support the first of the IET's power sector conferences for 2011.
Connecting Renewable Energy to the Grid (8-9 February 2011 at the IET, Savoy Place, London) brings together transmission operators, policy makers, utilities, distribution network operators, renewable technology experts and equipment suppliers to discuss the opportunities for increasing the penetration of renewable energy into the power grid.
Conference highlights include:
* Solution oriented technical presentations on offshore substations, smart grids, HVDC and HVAC, tidal power technology, grid optimisation and power quality
* European Supergrid panel featuring Philip Lowe, DG for Energy, European Commission, Ana Aguado, CEO, Friends of the Supergrid and Graeme Steele, Chairman, ENTSO-E
* Analysis of key regulatory, planning and consent issues
* Practical presentations on design issues, cost, interconnection, power arbitrage
* Expert speaker faculty including National Grid, Siemens Transmission & Distribution, The Carbon Trust, DECC and Red Electrica de Espana
* Round-table sessions where you will have the opportunity to informally discuss the presentations with your peers, respond to panellists and give feedback to the delegation
The event will also feature an exclusive ‘open-mic' session, allowing you to address the conference in a five-minute slot, highlighting particular technology issues, sharing concerns or appealing for project partners. Email Mani Rai at mrai@theiet.org to book your slot!
As a conference media partner, Electrical Review readers are entitled to register at the IET Member rate – saving £100 per place. Simply write ‘Electrical Review reader' on your booking form to take advantage of this offer.
View the full programme and register your place today at www.theiet.org/renewable-grid or call the IET on +44 (0) 1438 765 650/657 for more details.