Global ballast now incorporates DALI

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Venture Lighting's new Ventronic Global electronic dimming ballast combines maximum energy savings with total system control, using DALI digital dimming, simple switch dimming or 1-10V variable dimming. The ballast has exceptionally low energy consumption and a power factor close to unity, providing the lowest current load and supports lamp dimming up to 70% total energy cost saving.

As well as reducing energy consumption, Ventronic ballasts are ‘lamp friendly', facilitating faster strike/re-strike times while also helping to significantly extend lamp life and therefore reducing cost of ownership. Thanks to an integral safety network circuit, they are also highly resilient to voltage spikes and fluctuations, as well as protection against erroneously high temperatures.

Used with Venture's Pulse Start metal halide lamps, the lamp life is typically 30,000 hours, with a light output of up to 110lm/W and lumen maintenance of 90% through the life of the lamp.

Lightweight and compact, with fast terminal connections for ease of installation, the Ventronic ballast is also fully compatible with all widely available dimming sensors and controls.

Venture Lighting Europe
0845 2302222

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