SMi Group announces new roundtable format at Realisation of the Future Smart Grid 2011

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SMi’s Realisation of the Future Smart Grid will take place on the 15th & 16th June 2011. Following on from the success of last year’s event, this conference has been developed to specifically address the perspectives and challenges faced by Distribution Network Operators.
SMi are pleased to announce the introduction of a series of interactive roundtables, designed to allow attendees to meet and discuss challenges one-on-one with leading industry experts, including:
* Malaga Smart City with Endesa
* Telecoms for Smart Grids with Alliander
* Pilot Experiences with Stedin
The only event in the European marketplace of this nature, this conference will cover in-depth case studies on smart grid infrastructure, distribution, security, privacy and technical interoperability challenges facing the DNO industry.
This high level conference programme will be delivered by some of the industry’s senior professionals including:
•    Andrew Perry, Senior Policy Advisor Smart Grids, Future Electricity Networks,Department of    Energy and Climate Change
•    Rachel Fletcher, Partner, Distribution, Ofgem
•    Richard Smith, Future Transmission Networks Manager, National Grid
•    Cristiano Marantes, Head of Technical Strategy, Future Networks, UK Power Networks
•    Petter Allison, Director of Smart Metering, British Gas
•    Jeff Douglas, Head of Network Strategy and Development, Central Networks
•    Diyar Kadar, Technology Manager, Scottish Power
•    Denis O'Leary, Head of Systems and Sustainability, ESB Networks
•    Jo Wright, Vice President Smart Meters and Grids, BT
•    Felipe Alvarez-Cuevas, Project Manager, Endesa Distribución Eléctrica
•    Inge Wijgerse, Specialist Innovatie AM, Stedin
•    Peter Söderström, Asset Development, Distribution & Sales R&D, Vattenfall
•    Frans Campfens, Senior Consultant, Alliander
•    Mark Ossel, Vice President Utility and Energy, Echelon
•    Marcel Eijgelaar, Innovation Manager, Essent NV
•   Henriëtte Lo Fo Wong , Consultant Smart Grids and Artificial Intelligence, Alliander NV
•    Dr Anna Plodowski, Trustee, Peckham Power, PHd, Imperial College Business School
•    Hugo Schönbeck, Director, GPX International Ltd
For more information visit or alternatively contact Jamison Nesbitt on +44 (0) 207 827 6164 or
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For further information contact:
Jamison Nesbitt
Tel: 44 (0)20 7827 6164

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