Napit offers free renewables workshops for London enterprises

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London-based trade installers can take advantage of free Renewable Energy workshops throughout October and November. Funded in part by the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) and spearheaded by the Institute for Sustainability, Flash, working in partnership with Napit, provides access to specifically designed workshops which focus on business opportunities relating to low carbon emissions and the renewable energy sector, including:
·        Green Deal

·        Feed in Tariffs

·        Renewable Heat Incentive

·        Retrofitting

·        Renewable Technologies

Napit sales and marketing director Andy Sharp commented on the positive feedback which the initial round of Flash courses attracted: “It’s clear that these workshops are simply invaluable for all involved in or affected by energy management, so whether in a commercial or economic capacity, installers can join the network for more information and gain further insight into a green marketplace which is bursting with opportunity

Flash is available to businesses with a London borough postcode, an annual turnover of under £42m and less than 250 employees. The free Flash workshops have been scheduled throughout the remainder of the year and include:
One Stop MCS- Wed 28 Sep 9:00-16:00: Kyocera, Central London
Microgeneration for London- Wed 12 Oct 9:00-16:00: Kyocera, Central London
Solar PV:  1 year on and still financially FiT- Thur 20 Oct 10:00-16:00: Solar Century, Waterloo
One Stop MCS- Wednesday 2 Nov 10:00-16:00: Kyocera, Central London
Solar PV:  1 year on and still financially FiT- Wed 16 Nov 10:00-16:00: Solar Century, Waterloo
Marketing your Business and Green Credentials- Tue 22 Nov 9:00-16:00: Kyocera, Central London
Microgeneration for London- Tue 6 Dec 10:00-16:00: Kyocera, Central London
For further information, queries or to register for any of these events, please phone 08457 22 66 55 or visit the BSK-CiC website .


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