Creating the right illusion at The Catalyst

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Riegens Illusion luminaires have been used for the interior illumination of The Catalyst, a modern, purpose built, fully serviced office space situated on the Heslington East Campus of York University.  Constructed with strict environmental guidelines, the building has been awarded a BREEAM rating of ‘very good’.

Consultant for the project, Simon Malarky of Silcock Leedham explained “We required a sleek, modern luminaire that was economical and easy to maintain and install, whilst providing a good uniform light level – the Riegens Illusion luminaire met our criteria exactly”. Used with 28W T5 lamps, the fully recessed, twin fitting flush central optic version was chosen for The Catalyst. Controlled with HF dimming, Illusion is also providing an air handling solution as the luminaire can handle up to 20-40 litres per second in all of the offices/meeting rooms.


Illusion is offered in two designs and has been created with contrast reduction panels, which allows optimum control of the direct light whilst ensuring uniform illumination throughout. Other T5 lamp configurations are available on request, in addition to various control gear options. A modified fitting is also available for recessed ceilings with exposed T-carriers T15/24mm to provide an alternative for ceilings with concealed suspension or for plasterboard ceilings.

The Catalyst is part of a £15m fund programme at York University; the expansion of the campus will provide an opportunity to develop an ‘open innovation zone’, building on successful links between the University, York Science Park, Science City York and industrial/commercial businesses.

Riegens Lighting
01376 333400         

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