Two-channel PIR presence detector

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The new Hi-Sense two-channel PIR presence detector from CP Electronics features lens technology to deliver exceptionally high sensitivity within its detection range. It has been specially developed to save energy in areas with demanding spaces and mounting heights, such as high bay applications in warehouses, factories and retail ‘sheds’.


With its ground-breaking detection range of 40 metres at 15 metres mounting height, Hi-Sense provides very precise control through switching or dimming in response to both occupancy and light levels. The integral photocell enables lights to be switched off, or dimmed to maintain illuminance in relation to daylight levels. Hi-Sense also features a ‘burn-in’ function to extend the life of fluorescent tubes.

Hi-Sense dimming options include analogue (1-10V), or digital dimming in conjunction with DSI or DALI digital dimming ballasts over 1 or 2 channels.

CP Electronics

0333 9000671

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