Fibox recognised and rewarded

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Finnish Enclosure manufacturer Fibox, who has been granted one of Europe’s top accolades, The Achiever Certificate 2011, which is presented annually by the prestigious Kauppalehti, Finland’s largest business newspaper.

A company is classified as an achiever if its growth, profitability, financial structure and liquidity are in good order. Achiever status is also relative, as each company is awarded points for each key indicator on the basis of comparison with other companies across the board and within its own industry.

Steve Gallon, MD of FIBOX in the UK said, “This award really does highlight the best aspects of the entire group, from innovation to growth, from customer focus to corporate responsibility. It is recognition for all the great work we have done in 2010, which has already opened doors, both nationally and internationally. But we are not resting on our laurels.”


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