The total package

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At Fibox we realise that every OEM customer, although similar on the surface, possesses a very different dynamic in the way it evolves a product from conception to a ready for sale item, and we have developed our philosophy in order to ensure we become a partner at every stage of the process.


We call it the Value Chain. Basically it means we have identified that in every OEM company, however large or small, there is a committee of people with different needs who all have an influence over the final decision of where and when to award a contract. It could well be two people or at the other end of the scale it has been known to have contact with 10 or more individuals, all with a valuable input to the decision process.

At Fibox we have a firm foundation from where to build our Value Chain proposals. We have a range of over 1500 high quality enclosure products which have been fundamentally designed to fulfil the applications the OEM industry requires and expects.

01642 604400

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