Fuse finder app simplifies specification

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Cooper Bussmann has developed a smartphone app that simplifies specifying and obtaining the right fuse for the job. The Fuse Finder app works on Android and iPhones making full specification information accessible at all times with no need for laptops or a large catalogue.


Navigation is simple and intuitive, using three buttons at the bottom of the screen to access the necessary information: ‘Fuse Finder’, ‘Distributors’ and ‘Latest News.’

Pressing the ‘Fuse Finder’ button allows users to enter a part number and identify the right Cooper Bussmann product for the job. Once the part is identified, users can either select ‘data sheet’ to access detailed specifications or ‘find a distributor’ to locate distributors by proximity of location or by region and town.

Distributor location information can also be accessed directly through the ‘Distributors’ button at the bottom of the screen.

The third button at the bottom of the screen – ‘latest news’ – provides a feed of the latest business and technical information available, including technical articles and blogs.

Cooper Bussmann
01509 882 600

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