Investment in greener energy may show tangible benefits

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Investment in straightened times is complex but new research shows where investment can show firm direction that might provide tangible financial benefits as well as reputational gains. And people are clear about how much visible commitment companies should make to greener energy.


The Attitudes to UK Industry survey of 2000 adults shows three out of four (75%) believe businesses should always explore the most environmentally friendly way of producing or using energy, but around half (52%) believe companies don’t do enough to promote their green credentials. And there’s an appetite for companies to be acknowledged for best practice, with seven in ten (70%) saying there should be a UK Brand Mark to signal a company’s operations reach a certain standard in using clean and renewable energy.

Attitudes to UK Industry is sponsored by Cadence Fisher, communications consultants to the industrial sector. Dan Doherty from the company said: “More than one in three people said that they would pay a little more for goods and services if the supplier was known to be investing the extra into more sustainable sources of energy. And companies’ efforts to be environmentally conscious can lead to an increase in trust from the public: two out of five people trust companies that invest in energy saving and renewable sources of energy more than they trust businesses that do not. But there’s more to be gained than consumer confidence. One in five has invested in shares and believes that a company’s commitment to renewable energy is a factor in whether it makes an attractive investment for them. People now make the connection between companies’ reputations and the value they place on them as suppliers and potential investments. These are compelling reasons not simply to respond to consumer demand, but to show more clearly that they are doing so.”

Previous surveys in the series have covered various subjects, including skills and the importance of UK manufacturing. More information is available at:

*Populus interviewed 2,013 representative adults online between 29 June and 1 July 2012. Populus is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

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