Find out what the power industry can learn from the London Olympics at the 2012 EuroDoble Colloquium

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The 2012 EuroDoble Colloquium will be opened by Richard Wakelen, head of asset strategy and performance of UK Power Network. Wakelen will examine how the power industry can transfer the Olympic spirit to asset management.


Team Great Britain (GB) saw its most successful games in over 100 years at this year’s London Olympics, winning 29 gold medals. This keynote will explore the synergies between winning gold at the Olympics with winning gold in the world of asset management.

What can we learn by the approach adopted by Team GB athletes? Three important enablers will be discussed. The first, clarity – setting clear goals and targets, having a clear sense of direction with nothing left to chance and meticulous planning to ensure every little detail is addressed as far as possible. The second, commitment – the passion and desire to want to win with the support and backup structure required in place to motivate and encourage high performance. The third, capability – starting with the right people, and providing the organisational capability in terms of processes, systems, infrastructure and facilities.

Learn more about the 2012 EuroDoble Colloquium and read the complete agenda at




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