Beama publishes proposal for government-backed Electrotechnical Sector Strategy

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Beama has published its case for a government-backed Smart & Low Carbon Electrical Infrastructure Sector Group, calling for a manufacturing policy focus to help deliver the UK’s 2050 Energy Strategy objectives.


Speaking at Beama’s AGM on 8 November Dr Vince Cable, secretary of state for business innovation and skills, welcomed the publication stating:  “I very much welcome this paper from Beama.  We know that in order to reach our 2050 objectives we will need the right skills, the right regulatory framework, the right policy levers to promote innovation and a collaborative approach to promoting investment.

“My industrial strategy is very much about looking to the future, setting out a long-term, whole of government approach to how government supports business and aligning activity to deliver it.  We will consider how this sector can contribute to our strategic approach.”

Beama’s CEO, Dr Howard Porter, believes the time is absolutely right to drag important electrotechnical infrastructure out of broader construction and utility manufacturing Sector Strategy Groups to give it the focus it requires.

Speaking at the AGM, Porter reflected on the key themes of the publication: “Some £150bn needs to be invested in our energy infrastructure over the coming decade, and, whilst much of this will go towards generation, there is a very strong need to ensure we have a coherent manufacturing policy for distribution technologies and smart building infrastructure.

“There will be a natural convergence of utility and construction products as we pursue the smart and low carbon electrification of the UK, but we do not believe policy objectives will be met without a focused Sector Strategy Group overseen by BIS. We have a unique opportunity through our smart meter rollout, smart and innovative networks investment and progressive growth in electric heating and transport to make the UK a potential knowledge and export hub for the rest of Europe and the world. But, to achieve that vision, we are calling on BIS to give the sector the attention required to tackle skills, regulatory, innovation and investment issues.”

‘The Case for a Smart & Low Carbon Electrical Infrastructure Sector Group’ is available to download from     

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