£1600 tax refund for ECS cardholder

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ECS cardholder Nick Hooper has been celebrating recently after receiving over £1600 from the HMRC. Tax refund specialists RIFT worked with Hooper to pursue his claim, which many more PAYE and self-employed electricians could be entitled to.


If ECS cardholders are PAYE (‘on the books’) and drive their own vehicle to temporary work sites, there’s a great chance they are entitled to a tax refund of anything up to £2,500 and above for a four year claim. Even if they travel by public transport, they may still be able to claim.

Alternatively if they are CIS (self-employed), RIFT is able to process their tax return and assist with claim entitlements including meals, telephone bills, tools and clothing.

Hooper said: “I’m an ECS cardholder but didn’t know I could claim until I got some information on RIFT in the post with my ECS card. When I read it, I thought, this describes me – so I contacted them to see if I qualified and 6 weeks later I received a cheque for £1,632.29. If it wasn’t for ECS and RIFT then I would never have got this money.”

A partnership between the Joint Industry Board, Electrotechnical Certification Scheme and RIFT means applicants can benefit from cash-back and reduced fees for RIFT’s efforts in obtaining a refund.

Steve Brawley, chief executive of the JIB said: “We are continually working to develop a unique benefits package for JIB members and their employees. The new partnership with RIFT means ECS cardholders receive either £50 cash back for a PAYE claim or a discount of £50 from the normal fee of £225 for CIS. With potentially thousands that can be claimed back, it’s certainly worth pursuing.”

Bradley Post, RIFT sales and marketing director, said: “I’m pleased that the partnership has proved beneficial to ECS members and I’m really looking forward to continued success and more ECS cardholders claiming back what is rightfully theirs with RIFTs help.”

To claim a tax refund, ECS cardholders should phone 01233 653978 or text ‘RIFT ECS’ to 80010.

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