Analysing IEC 61850 Scada communication

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Version 3 of Omicron’s IEDScout, the universal software tool for working with IEC 61850 IEDs, provides extended functionality for the in-depth investigation of client/server communication as defined in IEC 61850-7-2.

As a universal client to IEC 61850 servers and a publisher/subscriber for GOOSE messages, IEDScout provides protection and Scada engineers with numerous useful features needed for testing and troubleshooting in the substation or the laboratory. It supports simultaneous investigation of multiple IEDs and improvised testing situations. Its manifold functions range from generic reading/writing of data attributes to using the self-description feature of an IED and producing SCL files from it.

IEDScout 3 displays client server and GOOSE communication in one combined list of events. It makes the circumstances visible on the top layer, represented as closely as possible to the way they are defined in the standard.

Omicron Electronics
+43 5523 507-0

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