Greener to retro-fit with 3 phase energy meter

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Carlo Gavazzi has introduced a new version to its family of EM21 3 phase energy meter’s. The  EM21-72V compact energy meter, is designed specifically for retro-fit applications. Current measurements can be carried out by means of the external split core current sensor which when fitted restricts the voltage to the meter to 0.333V; making it a favourable solution for the installer.


The EM21 family of meters are an innovative and cost-effective energy meter solution. The detachable display, which enables the meter to be mounted either on a front panel with just 72x72mm footprint, or on a DIN-rail in only four modules wide.

By using split core current sensor technology, no primary wiring modifications are needed in existing installations therefore there is no need to disconnect or modify the power cables during installation.

Carlo Gavazzi UK

01252 339600



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