The new amendment to Part P, which means a reduction in notifiable work, has just come into effect. Further changes allowing the use of a registered third party to certify such work (as an alternative to using a building control body) will follow later this year.
The reduction in notifiable work was recently the subject of a House of Lords ‘Motion to Regret’ from Baroness Jenny Tonge, the patron of the Electrical Safety Council (ESC) – the charity at the forefront of the fight to keep the regulation as the only protection for householders having electrical work undertaken in the home.
Baroness Tonge was joined by Baroness Smith of Basildon in challenging the changes to Part P. Both criticised the Part P consultation process and questioned the accuracy of the government’s claim that 65% of consultation respondents agreed to the reduction in notifiable work.
Issues relating to the potential financial savings from the amendments to the regulation, and how these changes are being monitored and evaluated, were also raised. And further concerns were expressed about the government’s plans to measure the impact of the amendments to Part P in 2015 – as no indicators for this have yet been announced.
In response to these points, Baroness Hanham, the under secretary of state for Communities and Local Government (CLG), stated a Part P monitoring and evaluation strategy would be put in place, which will cover electrical shocks and fires of electrical origin, plus data from the competent persons schemes. Impact analysis will also include a review of sales of electrical test equipment and awards of electrical qualifications. Baroness Hanham also noted CLG officials are working with the ESC to promote competent person schemes.
The ESC is keen to gather information and case studies on the impact of the amendments to Part P. If you have a story to tell, please contact: