Calculate cost savings from GU10 LED bulbs

Electrical Review Logo is an established UK stockist for many domestic and commercial LED Bulbs. Amongst the best selling products for 2013 on their website is the GU10 LED bulb. This is shaping up to have impacts on the end user costs in lighting UK homes and businesses for many years to come.

The Lightrabbit team have produced an LED bulb Energy Saving Calculator, where you can see the potential savings from switching to LED bulbs here.

David Kennedy, Light Rabbit’s Managing Director, says “Offsetting the cost of LED lighting against your current energy bill is a great way for customers to understand their potential savings, what with the rise in energy prices in early 2013, we are expecting sales of GU10 and many other LED bulbs to continue to increase, hence we shall continue to diversify our range of bulbs accordingly.”

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