Preston in £250k wind energy deal

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Ambitious plans for a civic wind energy scheme in Preston are moving forward with the appointment of engineering and design consultancy, Hyder Consulting (UK).


As a specialist in wind and renewable energy projects, Hyder will be advising the council on the next steps of the project including erecting an 80m wind test mast.

Welcoming the progress on the wind energy project, Councillor Robert Boswell, cabinet member for environment and sustainability said: “Preston’s civic wind energy scheme could be worth up to £50m for the city and local communities.  The appointment of Hyder is an important step.

“Hyder will be helping the council to assess whether the scheme is viable. This includes putting up the test mast to measure wind speeds.  Work is set to start in January and it will take at least a year before we know whether wind speeds will be enough to generate electricity at sufficient levels to make the scheme viable. Hyder will also be advising on other aspects of the project such as the engineering and environmental challenges.

“Clearly generating income for the city is a major factor given the huge budget cuts being placed on us by government, but the project is about much more than this.  As we have unfortunately seen with recent extreme weather events, climate change is real and its affects are devastating.

“Moving towards green, renewable energy has to be the way forward and we are pleased to be leading the way and exploring renewable energy options for the benefit of Preston and society as a whole.”

Simon Randall, managing director (energy and environment) of Hyder, added: “Hyder is delighted to be working with Preston City Council on this exciting project.  As a civic green energy scheme, with all profits going back to the local community, it is an innovative and pioneering endeavour, and one that Hyder is pleased to support.”

“While we recognise that there is a much to do before the scheme can proceed, as one of the UK’s leading renewable energy engineering consultancies, we are committed to doing what we can to help the council move this project forward.”

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