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Ellis has launched an enhanced range of 1A and 2A bolt Aluminium clamps.

 Completely redesigned, including finite element analysis (FEA), the new range has an improved shape, which delivers greater strength, while its flexibility is aided by the availability of 22 different sizes over both families of product.

 Richard Shaw, managing director of Ellis, said: “When we first added Aluminium clamps to our product portfolio we saw them as nothing more than a metallic alternative to our 2F plastic clamps, but it soon became apparent that there was real demand for them, especially if we were able to deliver a mechanically stronger product with even more variants.”

 With products ranging from 38mm to 120mm for the 2A clamp, and 10mm to 58mm for the 1A clamp, the enhanced range is diecast from LM6 Cast Aluminium using tooling which has been designed and manufactured in-house. The 2A clamp has been short circuit tested in accordance with IEC61914:2009 and has a peak level of 173kA.

 Its primary usage is in transmission and distribution projects and other unpolluted applications, although it does have the capacity to be epoxy coated for use in harsher environments. All products come with the option of a Neoprene liner, which provides additional cable protection.

 “Once again we have demonstrated our ability to use our years of market leading experience in order to innovate and deliver a product range that will have a real impact on the market and serve to underline our position as the cable cleat experts,” added Shaw. 

Ellis Patents

01944 758395


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