Salix extends deadline for funding energy-saving upgrades in special schools

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Energys is encouraging community and foundation Special Schools to take advantage of a deadline extension on Salix funding applications for energy-efficient upgrades. The original deadline was 20 March 2015, but Salix is still accepting applications until all the funding has been allocated.


Salix has funded upgrades in 50 Special Schools since 2004, with energy-efficiency projects totalling more than £1m.

The new fund is specifically designed to target problems of energy inefficiency in special schools. On its website, Salix has commented on the “highly energy intensive” nature of Special Schools and have allocated the funding to “improve the school learning environment and save on energy bills”.

The compliance criteria for the new fund is the same as for the previous schools funding programme. A 4 – 8 year payback period is required, as well as a cost of less than £200/tCO2, over the lifetime of the project.

Kevin Cox, managing director of Energys Group, said: “This fund is a great chance for Special Schools to make much-needed savings on their energy bills without the risk of capital outlay.”

He added: “Special schools may find it useful to call on an external energy consultant to help them compile the correct information for their funding applications. Energys has helped numerous schools and academies to take advantage of Salix funding in the past to achieve significant energy savings.”

Salix is able to offer funding towards numerous energy-efficient upgrades for Special Schools, including LED and T5 lighting upgrades and boiler controls.

Special Schools can apply for funds with a minimum application and loan value of £5,000. There is not a maximum loan value.

“Applicants will need to submit savings calculations, internal business case paperwork and evidence of the cost basis for their projects,” commented Cox. “Depending on the size of the project, they may also need to submit a full business case to support the application.”

“Salix is approving applications on a first come first served basis until all funding has been allocated, so it is advisable to start the process as soon as possible,” he adds. “Organisations who have not previously used the Salix application process can contact an advisor at Energys for support.”


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