Designing safety with Electrical Safety First

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Safer by Design, the fifth Product Safety Conference hosted by Electrical Safety First, will be held at Church House, Westminster, on 17 November.

The conference will offer presentations on topical issues, including methods of identifying foreseeable misuse, using relevant data and intelligence sources to improve recall effectiveness and the dramatic increase in the number of fake electrical products being sold online. It will also consider the government’s review of the UK recall system, which is due to report sometime this autumn.


“Without an effective and properly resourced recall system, consumers are being put at risk and business brands and reputation can be badly affected, so we were delighted that the government has undertaken this review”, explained Martyn Allen, head of Electrical Safety First’s technical department.

“We have also been working – both in the UK and in Europe – to emphasise the need for appropriate consideration of product misuse by vulnerable people and we have been investigating ways in which relevant data can be sourced and shared to improve recall processes. Our product safety conference is a platform for us and our guest speakers to present ideas and get the views of the industry on these and other emerging issues, such as the increasing number of counterfeits being sold online.”

The Charity’s annual Product Safety Conference has grown year on year to reflect the complexity of the supply chain by attracting a wide range of delegates and speakers, from manufacturers and retailers, to trade bodies, enforcement agencies and non-governmental organisations.

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