New Fluke ‘knowledge platform’ aimed at professionals in the electrical utilities

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Fluke continues to be a supplier of quality test and measurement equipment to electrical utility companies. To support its customers working in this area, Fluke has created a special ‘knowledge platform’– a web microsite called the ‘Fluke solutions center for the Electrical Power Industry’. The site can be located here.

The landing page offers eleven areas of interest for professionals working in diverse fields within electrical power generation, transmission and distribution.

Four examples are:

  • Why clean power is critical to smooth operations
  • Why SF6 gas detection matters in utilities
  • Applying infrared thermography to predictive maintenance
  • How to protect and prolong the life of electric systems and motors

All of the eleven topics provide supporting insight into each area with further in-depth downloadable information and application notes. Relevant test and measurement tools are highlighted with links to further information about them, tools such as Fluke’s latest 438-II Power Quality and Motor Analyser, the Fluke Ti450 SF6 Gas Detector, the Fluke 729 Automatic Pressure Calibrator and the Fluke 805 FC Vibration Meter. Finally, a request can be made to talk to a Fluke expert, who can provide further support to the end-user. For more information about all Fluke products, please visit the Fluke web site at

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