Objections force shelving of planned plant

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A planning application to build an electricity generation plant has been withdrawn by the developer since last weekend.

Under plans submitted by UKPR, an electricity generation plant would have been built on the site of a former waste tip in Surrey.

It would have seen the installation of up to 33 gas fired generators which could run without a permanent workforce on the site according to Surrey Live.

In planning documents submitted to the council, the developers claimed the site would “not result in any adverse visual impact”, while providing a “localised, low carbon energy supply”.

Concerns about how it would affect the health of local people, property prices and the wildlife in the area were raised following the publication of the plans.

The local council – Woking – could not/would not give any reason for the turnaround.

Will these complainants be quite so vocal when local power supplies become an issue, or will the developer try again in time? 


Pic: power plant ©Nostal6ie

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