Raising technical standards internationally

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Electrical Review’s editorial team spoke to Steve Davies, LIA’s CEO, on the organisations work with international groups to share expertise and improve technical knowledge in the industry

“This is a pivotal time for British businesses as negotiations on Britain’s departure from the European Union continues. The Lighting Industry Association (LIA) is always looking out for the interests of its members and the wider lighting business community, and will be working hard for it during the transition period and following Britain’s departure from the European Union.”

The LIA works closely with legislators in the UK and Europe and enjoys global recognition as an authority on lighting, representing all aspects of UK, EU and international lighting stakeholders at the highest level – including with national and international regulatory bodies – whilst protecting the interests of both the public and its members. 

The LIA also works for the benefit of the wider industry through organising subject-focused Technical Committees made up of LIA Members and external experts who support the technical work of the organisation. The committees’ work covers some of the following areas:

* Input on IEC/EN standards proposals

* Input to Lighting Europe, its European Trade Association, on EU subjects such as ERP, RoHS, LVD etc

* Input to UK government on regulatory matters, ECA, building regulations, policy direction, market surveillance, Brexit etc.

* Preparation of technical bulletins, information sheets, technical statements and guides

Its in-house technical expertise with technical managers sit on over 40 National, European and International committees .

One of those international committees is International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), well known for the preparation and publication of International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies, known collectively as ‘electrotechnology’. IEC is also the source of all standardisation work for the lighting industry that results in BS EN standards.

LIA technical managers Krish Govinden and Lawrence Barling participate in IEC conferences, technical committees and working groups held around the world, which gives LIA early access to proposals for amendments/new standards and the ability to comment and shape these prior to their publication. 


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