Price v brand – the sector has spoken!

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Electrical installers in Europe have indicated brands are more important than price, according to a report from European Electrical Installation Monitor, focussing on segmentation of installers. So a trusted brand is more important than a lower price from an unknown brand. 

Installers in Germany are clearly the most brand loyal and the least in Spain. Price has only a limited effect on the choice of product that is being used. There is still a minority of the electrical installers that mention product price as more important than the brand, but brands are still preferred above price in all investigated countries. This is one of the results of the Q2 2018 report of the report.  This segmentation has been made for seven European countries, based on 1,075 telephone interviews.

Electrical installers in Germany, the Netherlands and the UK mention they have a preferred brand for the important parts in a complete installation the most. The image for importance of brands and price are quite similar in Germany and the Netherlands. In the UK however there are more electrical installers for whom price is more important than brands. The majority of the electrical installers in Poland have a preferred brand, but this share is lower (73%).

Price-driven installers are more likely to be found in Belgium and France. This is partly due to the lower preference for brands (64% in Belgium and 65% in France) and the higher preference for price (27% in Belgium and 29% in France).

Only 10% of the Spanish electrical installers say price is more important than brand. This is the lowest share in Europe. It is also interesting that the Spanish installers who do have a favourite brand in a complete installation is also the lowest. The research showed that instead of price and brands, innovativeness is of high importance for Spanish installers.

 The European Electrical Installation Monitor, is a quarterly research conducted by phone among electrical installers in seven European countries. Each quarter we do have a different research topic. In Q2 it focussed on the behaviour and attitude of installers to analyse different installer types (segments). The Q2 research is based on 1,075 successful telephone interviews. The attitude and behaviour of the interviewed installers is measured on 27 statements. After different statistical analyses USP Marketing Consultancy has identified five different segments, which are:

• The ‘Conservative installer’ (21% of the European installers)

• The ‘Price driven installer’ (21% of the European installers)

• The ‘Innovative pragmatist’ (28% of the European installers)

• The ‘Innovative loyalist’ (10% of the European installers)

• The ‘Progressive installer’ (19% of the European installers)


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