Change a life

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The stigma around mental health issues is one of the biggest silent killers in the electrical sector, but you have the power to change this by donating just £1 to the Electrical Industries Charity’s (EIC) powerLottery.  

powerLottery is EIC’s number one fundraising stream which helps to save and improve the lives of those who are currently struggling from mental health problems and are in need of support to help them look forward to a brighter future. 

Where mental health issues are concerned, early intervention is vital in turning someone’s life around. Through the funding provided by powerLottery, EIC was able to help Anant Savani in the early stages – ensuring he is now well on the way to a better future. Since losing his job at the construction company, Anant has suffered from anxiety and depression. He struggled to open up to his family or colleagues about his feelings and as a result, started to have suicidal thoughts on a daily basis and eventually came to a point where he almost took his own life. It was at this point that he knew he needed to seek help.  

A previous employer whom Anant worked for at the beginning of his career put him in touch with the Electrical Industries Charity who, thanks to supporters like you who donate £12 per year to powerLottery, were able to offer him counselling and continuous support which was needed to help him to look forward to a better future. 

Mental illness knows no boundaries and can affect anyone at any time. With as little as £1 per month, you can help to change the lives of people like Anant, who are currently suffering from mental health issues in isolation. All you need to do is simply download EIC powerLottery app and tap to play with a chance of winning up to 15 cash prizes of up to £1,000 each month and £10,000 twice a year. 


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