Like father, like son

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When I first wrote this Diary, Margaret Thatcher was prime minister, and Peter Walker her maverick energy secretary. Way ahead of his time, he was a great champion of renewable electricity. 

It was an enthusiasm not shared at the Treasury, then run by arch climate change denier Nigel (now Lord) Lawson. He went out of its way to block any renewables progressing. Even so, Peter Walker would litter his speeches with ecstatic hymns of praise to various embryonic  renewable electricity initiatives. 

One that used to feature regularly came from Cornwall. Called Hot Rocks. And he would always introduce references to this concept by saying that “this name has always enthused my teenage son Robin , as he keeps thinking it must be a new sensational pop group.” 

I was reminded of this when I saw that two wells are now being drilled  by Geothermal Engineering near St Day in Cornwall. The deepest of which will reach 4.5kn underground.The objective being finally to demonstrate the potential of geothermal  electricity.

I do hope that somebody within the company has as long a memory as I have. And will to invite the minister for exiting the European Union to visit. His name? Robin Walker. Who, just as his father did, represents Worcester in parliament. And I am sure is now every bit as keen on the prospects for geothermal energy as he was on pop music as a teenager.

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