ESP’s MAGDUO FlexiPoint offers seven fire detectors in one

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ESP’s MAGDUO two-wire fire alarm system, launched earlier this year, adds a new range of products to the company’s MAGfire fire protection range.

An essential component product for the MAGDUO two wire fire system is the FlexiPoint detector device, which is designed to bring a high degree of flexibility, versatility and convenience due to the inbuilt programmable options it offers.  

The MAGDUO FlexiPoint is a plug-in style smoke detector that utilises a photo-electric sensing chamber to make a measurement corresponding to smoke density. The device also incorporates a thermistor sensing circuit to allow for accurate heat measurement. These elements allow the device to be configured to a smoke, heat or combined setting. 

As well as offering seven different modes of fire detection, including combined heat and smoke, the FlexiPoint detector is also available with an inbuilt sounder or inbuilt sounder strobe, which will assist with a compact install solution (as the detector and sounder is all-in-one as opposed to separate units).   

The detector offers seven different programmable detection modes, as well as three programmable sound patterns, with three volume adjustment levels. 

FlexiPoint incorporates a tamper-resistant locking mechanism that prevents its removal from the base without the use of a special tool. To remove the device, the tool should be attached over the detector and turned anti-clockwise allowing the detector to be removed from the base.



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