Haven Power to supply renewable energy to Ford UK

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Haven Power will supply Ford Motor Company UK’s three manufacturing locations with around 250GWh of renewable electricity per year. 

The deal makes Ford one of Haven Power’s largest clients and gives the car manufacturer access to a renewable energy source and the flexibility to track wholesale energy prices.

Paul Sheffield, managing director, Drax Customers (Haven Power and Opus Energy), said, “Our industrial and commercial customers are looking to their energy supplier to lead the way in sustainability and reducing carbon emissions. Large businesses are putting the environment at the top of their agenda and expect renewable power as standard, but they also want the flexibility to track wholesale energy prices and ensure they’re getting the best deal.”

At its Ipswich offices, Haven Power has installed almost 500 sqm of solar panels, which are expected to meet 36% of its electricity demand during 2019. In addition, efficient LEDs have been installed which also contribute to reduced electricity consumption from the grid.

Sheffield added: “At our Ipswich office, we’re showing how sustainability can be achieved. By practising what we preach, we are turning our office into a truly energy efficient building and reducing our CO2 emissions at the same time.” 


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