LG reveals three-point plan to encourage solar expansion despite Covid-19

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Thanks to a reduction in energy usage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as better-than-usual weather, solar has been one of the main sources of electricity for the UK’s National Grid. However, that’s not to say that Covid-19 hasn’t had an effect on the industry. 

According to LG, the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is just now becoming clear. However, the company has formulated a three-point plan which will support the expansion of solar energy. 

This three-point plan includes: 

A proactive approach

The current situation has understandably shifted focus away from climate change and the energy transition. That being said, there is still opportunity to focus on sustainability and environmental compatibility when approaching new projects. Increased demand has become apparent as more people find themselves with extra time to learn about renewable energy. Taking a proactive approach is one of the best ways to drive solar adoption. 

Despite having a reputation for being expensive, solar systems generate cost-effective renewable energy in both industrial and private settings. This is true even on days with limited sunshine – all that is required is a small roof space to install the panels.

Paving the way for solar adoption

Accelerating the renewable energy transition requires the best possible conditions. Past endeavours have already shown us that promoting the change from fossil fuels to renewable energy has been highly effective for solar energy. However, we will need further incentives to adopt environmentally-friendly technologies in the future. In addition to generating electricity, energy storage should be an integral component of a solar system. This will enable solar power to be used well after sunset when it’s most needed in private households.

Raising awareness of the benefits

The demand for electricity is growing rapidly, especially under current circumstances given the uptake of remote working and homeschooling. Electricity bills are therefore higher than usual for many households. What few people know is that investing in solar is a very economical method of energy production, with more electricity generated than is actually required – especially now that the days are longer. The excess energy can be connected to the grid in exchange for cash. Modern solar panels offer excellent value for money and people need to be aware of these benefits if we are to accelerate the renewable energy transition.

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