How Saudi Arabia is colour coding its hydrogen development

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In this week’s Gossage, our columnist discusses the colour coding set by Saudi Arabia for its hydrogen development. 

Saudi energy minister Abdulaziz bin Salman told the World Economic Forum that the kingdom was pursuing blue, green and pink hydrogen development. The colours represent the way it is made, some being distinctly cleaner than others.

He acknowledged that Europe was primarily interested in green hydrogen, made with renewable electricity. But Saudi Arabia, he said, preferred pink hydrogen – to be generated with planned nuclear power plants – because it would be of particular interest to women in the industry.

“We are recruiting, by the way, young Saudi ladies that are happy to see the pink coming along,” said bin Salman. “We have started being very conscious of taking care of our female new recruits and new cadets. We are becoming an extremely well emancipated society.”

However, the bulk of Saudi hydrogen is likely to be blue, made from methane gas and still emitting carbon dioxide in the process. Blue is of course the colour usually identified with baby boys. 

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