AKSA is continuing to grow its offerings, with the company increasing its production capacity with a brand-new, state-of-the-art production facility.
Amidst a global supply chain crisis that could last another two years, AKSA Power Generation is bucking the trend and ensuring that it can continue to meet the needs of its customers. In order to do that, the company recently moved its Turkey production facility to Çerkezköy, Tekirdağ.
AKSA moved into the new production facility in the last quarter of 2021; with 40,000 sqm of space available, the company can now triple its output of electrical power generators. However, size isn’t the only thing that is important about this new facility, as it’s also been massively upgraded, with the whole facility designed in accordance with Industry 4.0 standards.
With respect to the value proposition of the company, AKSA will keep on creating custom-made solutions for various industries such as data centres, mining, healthcare, construction, and telecommunications with the new plant equipped with state-of-the-art technology with increased high tech applications in different steps of the production.
Sustainable production
AKSA’s new production facility is not only designed to produce its products to the highest modern standards, but also to ensure that it follows only the most sustainable production methods. It achieves its sustainability goals through various means.
The painting line in the powder coating process is more insulated, generating less waste and reducing unnecessary powder coating consumption by applying powder paint effectively.
Instead of fossil fuel-based carrying and lifting equipment, electrically-powered carriers have been used. Thus, the consumption of unsustainable fuels have been reduced dramatically and the amount of hazardous waste generated due to the maintenance and repair activities of these carriers have been minimised.
In fact more than 60% of the electricity consumed in the production is provided by renewable energy thanks to solar panels installed on the roof of the factory.
So, it’s safe to say AKSA has a bright future ahead thanks to its new state-of-the-art production facility and customers can rest assured that they will get a great value electrical power generator created using only the most sustainable methods.
To find out more about AKSA’s product, contact the company on sales@aksaeurope.com