Powergrid Europe 2010 conference on track for June

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Powergrid Europe 2010 will feature sessions on smart grid developments, a look at technology details and a panel to discuss international smart cities, and is scheduled for 8-10 June 2010 at the RAI in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

A smart grid vendor panel featuring a variety of industry participants and a session on modeling for future networks will open the show on Tuesday 8 June. The vendor panel will discuss the concept of a smart grid, what the phrase really means and what products in that area will be of use to utilities going forward. The session on future networks will examine the use of models from wind turbine integration to the measurements required for distribution networks.

On Wednesday 9 June, attendees can visit two sessions: Interoperability: Raising the standard or Grid evolution. As projects grow and interconnect, the concept of a single set of international standards remains elusive. The interoperability session will look at the future of standards and how to coordinate the grid until we reach that goal. The evolution session will examine the practical and immediate ways the industry is moving forward in its efforts to grow a stronger grid.

On Thurs 10 June, Powergrid Europe attendees can get up close and personal with a number of smart city projects, including the developments in host city Amsterdam. Smart grids are a start, but smart cities remain the ultimate goal. The smart cities session will review a number of smart city projects from retrofitting parts of Amsterdam's grid to completing a city from scratch with Masdar. Each city will be discussed in a presentation followed by a long group-panel-discussion where the audience is invited to ask questions and hear how the lessons learned with these projects can be applied to every city.

Along with the discussion of smart cities, attendees can see these changes in action by taking a tech tour of Amsterdam's Climate Street project. Climate Street is a sustainable public space project under the umbrella of Amsterdam's Smart City initiative. It is a holistic concept for sustainable inner city streets focused on learning which technologies and approaches are the most successful and offer the most potential moving forward. The Climate Street visit will include a return boat transfer, a presentation and a street tour by Amsterdam Smart City, as well as a light lunch. Two tours are offered. Attendees can choose between Tour 3 on Monday 7 June or Tour 4 on Friday 11 June.


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