Developing a green world

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Sustainable development is an objective that involves not only the manufacture of low-consumption products, but also – and above all – business strategies linked to the actual life of the company. A company's environmental policy has a considerable impact on the area surrounding its factory location, with social implications both for employees and local residents.

The goal of reducing environmental impact is not an easy one to pursue, but Socomec believes in it, to the extent of making sustainable development an integral part of its company policy. In the context of collective responsibility, each employee has endeavoured to reduce wastage, in the knowledge that every action has some effect on the environment.

Since 2003 the Socomec group has been in the "Global Compact", a United Nations scheme that aims to face up to the challenges posed by globalisation in terms of human rights, workers' conditions, environment and the struggle against corruption. More recently Socomec became a member of The Green Grid in October 2009 and were also amongst the first manufacturers to agree and sign-up to the Code of Conduct in 2008.

Since adhering to the schemes, the Socomec group organisation has had 100% control over the recycling and disposal of the materials used in its manufacturing process and offices. The same attitude has been adopted to after-sales maintenance, with replaced components being disposed of in accordance with local regulations. Finally, the suppliers are also involved in the sustainable development process.

Sustainability is also taken into account in the production process, with continual research into the efficient use of energy and resources. The Socomec UPS range includes a number of products with low environmental impact; two examples of these are:

* The Green Power UPS range, with 96% efficiency (as certified by TÜV SÜD), for the power range 10-200kVA, which gives greater savings in terms of energy consumption and cost. The Green Power UPS have a smaller footprint (being in smaller cabinets for the usual market power rating) thus allowing optimum use of space within the infrastructure.

* The innovative kinetic storage system (VSS+DC), with an efficiency of 99.8%, is ideal for guaranteeing an uninterruptible power supply in situations where rapid recharging, quietness, less occupied floor space and minimal, simplified maintenance are required. Being batteryless, VSS+DC is the ideal eco-friendly solution for all applications where standard batteries cannot be used (e.g. in medical applications).

Socomec UPS

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