ABB launches drives and motors swappage scheme

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ABB launches its drives and motors swappage scheme, allowing companies to trade in their old products from any manufacturer for new ABB drives and motors.

The scheme offers at least 17.5% discount off published list prices for new drives from 0.12 kW to 400 kW and new motors from 0.75 kW to 710 kW when old equivalent products from any manufacturer are traded in.

"The scheme is launched to coincide with the recent introduction of the government's CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme and aims to give organisations an additional incentive to meet their carbon dioxide reduction commitment," says Steve Ruddell, division manager for ABB's discrete automation and motion business.

In order to get the correct drive or motor to match the needs of individual installations, ABB is offering a free, no obligation energy appraisal. A qualified engineer will come to site and carry out a full energy appraisal, giving an accurate picture of how energy is being used on the premises. The energy appraisal consists of an engineer assessing the installation; identifying areas that will yield the greatest return through upgrade; and determining the potential savings that can be achieved after new equipment is installed.

ABB partners will also help organisations meet the cost of investment in new equipment by offering help and advice with interest-free loan applications and Enhanced Capital Allowances through the Carbon Trust.

The scheme addresses a market for replacement drives that continues to grow. In 2010 it is expected 40% of all new drive purchases will be replacing existing drives.

For more information on ABB's swappage scheme call 07000 DRIVES (374837) or
email: quoting reference "swappage"

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