JTL launches site based assessment service

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The growing problem of skilled workers being held back because their practical skills have not been assessed is being addressed through a new service launched by JTL, the leading training provider to the building services engineering sector.

The JTL Assessment Service has been launched because many people entering the building services industry have studied the theory through a full time college course for up to two years but have missed out on having their practical skills assessed.

JTL operations business manager Gail Nugent: "Many people who have had a few years practical experience are more than capable of taking and passing an NVQ Assessment but haven't had the opportunity and this impedes their progress."

Also if a business cannot demonstrate its workforce is properly qualified it can lead to employers not winning contracts in sensitive areas that demand certified personnel on site as well as missing out on hiring good people who can't prove their practical competency as they have not been assessed."

The service will be rolled out this year because there are so many people in England and Wales who could benefit from practical NVQ assessment as they did not set out on the traditional advanced apprentice route and are more eager than ever to prove their skills in the present downturn.

Also the downturn in construction means there are fewer jobs, while more school leavers are likely to be studying trades through full time college courses which will lead to more people who need to achieve an NVQ assessment in the next few years. Not having an NVQ assessment restricts the ability to move onto higher qualifications and courses.

With two decades providing on-site experience and over 280 assessors nationally JTL can carry out assessments in a thorough and professional manner at a competitive rate.


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