ECA announces freeze in 2011 subscriptions

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In light of the current economic climate, The Electrical Contractors' Association (ECA) has frozen its membership fees for the coming year.

Steve Bratt, ECA Group CEO said: "The ECA exists to help our members and provide them with the support they need to grow, and in these difficult times it's not just a case of growth, but for many, survival. Therefore, we took the decision not to add to our members' financial pressures and to freeze our membership subscriptions for 2011."

Bratt continued: "Despite keeping fees at 2010 levels, we will continue to invest in existing and new resources that we believe will help members – whether that is around tactics to improve cashflow, contract negotiation, employee relations, upskilling or future growth opportunities.

The ECA has rolled out a nationwide Sustainability Roadshow to advise members how to take advantage of new opportunities. Members who've attended have had the chance to familiarise themselves with the technologies and the business opportunities arising from the green agenda. The ECA also launched a sustainability hotline earlier this year, and is producing a series of guides looking at growth potential.

Bratt concluded: "These products and services compliment the ongoing work undertaken by our employee relations, contracts, legal, technical and education departments who work hard to enhance the business landscape in which our members operate."

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