Advertorial – UPS systems transform energy bills without compromising protection

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Many users of UPS solutions are under the illusion that in order to achieve high efficiency levels, in excess of 90%, compromises need to be made in terms of protection by removing the output isolation. However in doing this, electrical isolation can be lost, loads are exposed and in the event of a major failure, DC will reach the load and can cause extensive damage.

Transformerless units may have had the edge a few years ago, but the development of new technologies means that companies like Borri, a supplier of UPS equipment in the UK, have been able to develop sophisticated transformer-based units which can achieve the same high efficiency levels of standard transformerless systems.

The company's range of ECO UPS systems provide maximum efficiency without compromising on performance and all come with output transformers as standard, which makes them flexible across a wider range of applications. Delivering the highest levels of protection, Borri's transformer range of UPS solutions achieves high efficiency even in permanent online dual conversion mode.

A typical transformer-based UPS operates at around 88% efficiency at full load, while Borri claims its ECO UPS transformer solutions are 95% efficient. Though seven percent may not sound much, over a five year period the difference on a 100kVA UPS could mean savings of a massive £18,000 in energy consumption costs. Given that energy prices are only set to rise over the coming years, this type of saving will be hugely significant to any business.

Borri's ECO range of three phase UPS equipment is the only transformer-based type to have made it onto the government's Energy Technology List (ETL). The ETL is part of the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme and a key plank in the Government's programme to fight climate change by providing tax incentives for businesses investing in equipment that meets energy-saving criteria.

01246 431431


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