Distribution Automation Europe conference

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SMi's inaugural Distribution Automation Europe conference will take place from 10-11 October 2011. Critical to the efficient and reliable operation of the grid, distribution automation could create a self healing grid with real-time monitoring adjustments to changing loads, generation, and intelligent control that would reduce potential outages without operator intervention.

This conference will bring together European utilities and technology leaders for an in-depth review of this key component set to transform the smart grid network. With presentations and case studies focussing on the benefits of investing in Distribution Automation; the challenges and business case, this conference promises to be an unmissable European opportunity to learn and network with other leaders in this field.

Hear from leading industry experts including:
• Teresa Fallon, manager, smart networks, ESB
• Matthias Grandel, head of technology and solutions, E.ON
• Mike Edgar, strategy development manager, future transmission networks, National Grid
• Jesus Carrillo Martinez, head of real time systems and infrastructure, Union Fenosa
• Maarten Van Riet, research and development manager, Alliander
• Ville Maksimainen, manager, operation planning, Vattenfall
• Osmo Siirto, unit manager, distribution network, Helen Energy
• Simon Noon, business development manager, Tait Radio
• Terje Gjengedal, senior vice president, research and development, Statnett
• Wim Kerstens, expert asset management, Stedin
• Ruth Martin Soria, innovation project manager, Endesa
• Goran Strbac, professor of eectrical energy systems, Imperial College
• Mark Ossel, vice president, ESNA
• Eric Woods, senior analyst, Pike Research

For more information and to book your place visit www.smionline.co.uk/distributionautomation6.asp or alternatively contact Gina Nesbitt on +44 (0)20 7827 6198 or gnesbitt@smi-online.co.uk.

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