DC power supplies boost control system reliability

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With a host of design features to improve both reliability and efficiency, the 78 Series of switched mode power supplies from Finder gives control system

builders a stable and dependable low voltage DC supply.  91% efficient, and drawing only 0.4W in standby,

this series of modular, rail mounted DC power supplies comprises 24VDC, 36W; 24VDC 60W and 12VDC, 50W output variants that support universal AC or DC supply ranges, respectively 100-265VAC and 140-370VDC.


Integrating the latest protection technologies, the 78 Series includes: thermal protection with fast output voltage shutdown; short circuit protection with ‘hiccup’ (auto-recovery) mode and overvoltage (varistor) protection.  In addition, the power supplies’ high inrush current handling capability means they will safely tolerate loads with high current transient characteristics, such as capacitive circuits and solenoids fitted with ‘economy’ resistors.


01785 818100



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