Royal Bolton Hospital refurbished

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5,000 metres of Prysmian’s FP200 Gold has been installed to refurbish the fire detection and fire alarm system at the Royal Bolton Hospital. The cables will connect the fire alarms in crucial areas of the hospital including the Ophthalmology H2 ward, HSDU (Hospital Sterilisation and Disinfection Unit), radiology and social services departments.

FP200 Gold complies with the requirements of fire alarm standard, BS 5839 and is BASEC & LPCB certified. The approval includes BS EN 50200 Class PH30 and the new integrated fire, shock and water test BS EN 50200 Annex E for 30 minutes. FP200 Gold is also suitable for voice alarm systems, emergency lighting and other essential service circuits, meeting the appropriate British Standard and third party approvals.

Alternative soft skin silicone cables carry the risk of third party damage during the installation. FP200 Gold’s Insudite insulation minimises these chances due to the tough and fire resistant composite.

Prysmian Cables & Systems

023 8029 5029

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