EA Technology shortlisted for UK top employer award

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International power engineering specialist EA Technology has been shortlisted for the Employer of the Year title in the UK’s National Business Awards 2012, run in partnership with mobile phone group Orange.


Headquartered in Capenhurst, Cheshire, UK, the company is 100% owned by its staff of 231 – up from 90 in 2007.  It has offices in Australia, China, the Middle East, Singapore and the USA, selling instruments and services to electricity companies and major power users in 86 countries.

Director Alan Mullett said: “EA Technology is employee owned, so we are driven by a real sense of shared ownership and values, together with commitment to innovation and engineering excellence. This is enabling us to double our markets every two or three years on a global scale.

“Reinvestment in new products, services and international operations should see us grow revenues to £60 million ($95m) and 500 staff by 2017. The attraction, retention and development of talent is key to achieving our business objectives.”

In 2012, EA Technology was accredited as a Gold Standard Investors in People employer and praised by the auditors as “an exemplar” of the culture, philosophies and values of an Investor in People. The company has twice won the UK’s top industrial award, the Queen’s Award for Enterprise: Innovation, in 2007 and 2011, for its range of UltraTEV instruments.

The awards will be presented in November.

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