Set the scene with home automated lighting

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UK manufacturers of electrical accessories, Focus SB, have moved into the waters of Home Automated Lighting with a system they produce called HAL.


This system, which has been designed for a simple installation process, and to be user friendly, has been successfully installed into a number of properties now.

So far on projects, The HAL 4 600 DS control panel has typically been mounted adjacent to the buildings electrical distribution board.

This system is suitable for controlling low and mains voltage filament lamps and compatible, dimmable, mains voltage led lamps. The HAL panel is networked to the wall mounted control plates with a CAT5/6 data cable.

Scenes can be programmed for a room in use, for example, ambience for film viewing or entertaining after dinner. The programmed scenes on the HAL system can also be over ridden if desired, without affecting previously chosen settings.


Focus SB

01424 858060















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