Extended PIR occupancy switch range

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Danlers has extended their range of cost effective, energy saving occupancy switches with 3 new passive controls. Each control has a photocell override, so switching may be determined either by occupancy and lux level or alternatively by occupancy only. This is particularly useful in low light level environments.


These new controls are in addition to Danlers’ recently launched Intelligent Batten Mount controls with a one touch calibration process that distinguishes the difference between artificial and natural light delivered to the photocell, resulting in optimised switching levels and enhanced energy savings.

These UK manufactured IP53 rated controls can switch lighting loads of up to 10 amps and can be mounted onto the end of lighting battens. They detect movement of a warm body within their detection zones (either 5m or 10m variants) and include a photocell which can be set to between 100 lux and 3000 lux. This technology has a GB patent pending No. 1219746.3.



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