Benchtop multi-point analysers

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At EuroLED 2013, precision sensor manufacturer Micro-Epsilon will feature two main product ranges on its stand: the colorCONTROL MFA, a series of benchtop multi-point measurement systems for LEDs, and the thermoIMAGER TIM series of thermal imaging cameras for heat sink optimisation and for measuring the temperature of LED housings, junctions, drivers and other luminaire components.


The colorCONTROL MFA-5 is a compact, benchtop multi-point measurement system that verifies the colour, intensity and colour temperature (in Kelvin) of up to five LEDs simultaneously.

The thermoIMAGER TIM 160 and 200 series of inline radiometric thermal imaging cameras are plug-and-play units providing temperature images and profiles of a target area and come with full software packages that enable the user to configure all the parameters of the device, as well as enabling the real time capture and storage of images or video of an event for slow motion play back or snapshots at a later date.



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