Accurate voltage transformer testing made portable

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Omicron’s new Votano 100 is the first voltage transformer testing and calibration system to combine mobility (total weight less than 15 kg / 33 lbs) with the highest level of accuracy (precise calibration of voltage transformers with class 0.1). 

Voltage transformers in energy supply networks need regular tests and calibration in order to perform their protection and metering duties correctly. These tests, based on operator directives or national regulations, always required very complex and heavy test equipment in order to be accurate. This made the tests very time- and cost-intensive.


Precise mobile testing

With its software-guided measurement Votano 100 can test protection and metering voltage transformers in less than 20 minutes. In a single pass, winding resistance, short-circuit im-pedances, transformation ratio, and the magnetic characteristics curve of inductive and ca-pacitive voltage transformers are determined. During this process, Votano 100 assesses voltage transformers with up to five secondary windings – both for no-load and standard load operating conditions. The measured results are automatically assessed in accordance with international standards.

Votano 100 and VBO1: a powerful and safe combination

The VBO1 voltage booster comes with Votano 100. This amplifier supplies the primary side of the transformer with a maximum reference voltage of 4 kV for the transformation ratio measurement. The VBO1 is positioned near the test object, while the test engineer operates Votano 100 in a secure area outside of the high-voltage environment. The compact dimen-sions and low weight guarantee easy and convenient transport. The combined total weight of both devices is less than 15 kg (33 lbs).

Ultimate accuracy Votano 100 examines the voltage transformer as an electrical model that is captured and then mathematically simulated. This electrical modeling method was devel-oped on the basis of OMICRON’s successful CT Analyzer.

The measurement method offers an impressive degree of accuracy. Votano 100 achieves measurement tolerances of 0.02% to 0.05%. This allows voltage transformers with class 0.1 accuracy to be precisely calibrated on site with regard to their transformation ratio and phase error.


Omicron Electronics

Tel: + 44 (0) 1785 251000


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