Extensive information available on flexible cables

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igus, the leading expert in dynamic cabling for energy chains, now offers technical data sheets for over 1,100 chainflex cables. The data sheets, which are available online at:www.igus.co.uk/chainflex, provide cable specifiers with detailed information, including cable cross-section drawings.

“The cross-section cable drawings provide designers with a unique opportunity to gain a detailed view of

the position of the individual cores within the overall stranded structure, and optimally assign connectors’ PIN configurations”, explains igus director, Justin Leonard. “The overview provides a precise description of the various jacket materials used for igus cables with their full resistance information, which makes choosing the right cable even easier.”


The detailed usage parameters such as, the ambient conditions, and travel or bending radius, help design the system as a whole and therefore, extend the service life of the individual systems and machines.



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