BSRIA warns BIM readiness for 2016 is essential

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BSRIA is concerned by the fact that three quarters of surveyors believe non-adoption of BIM could seriously hinder the UK construction sector over the next year, according to research published by the RICS.


The RICS survey also finds that although a large majority of surveying firms have considered the business case for BIM adoption (74%), there is still a large proportion of firms (49%) not using BIM in the day-to-day aspects of their work.

Of those not currently using BIM within their organisation, 68% of respondents said that “they don’t think there is enough information available for small companies in order to aid them with adoption”.

In addition, 31% of surveyors claim that there is not a need to use the technology in their organisation, while over a quarter (26 per cent) stated that they don’t feel their firm has the technical skills in place to implement the technology.

BSRIA’s principal consultant and BIM specialist, John Sands, said: “This research is very alarming news with only a few months to go before BIM must be adopted in January 2016. Businesses have had long enough to make the necessary arrangements. In August, BSRIA circulated a sector-wide survey about the adoption of ‘BIM Level 2’, noting the government requirement for BIM Level 2 engagement with centrally procured contracts during 2016. The building services industry should be in a position to make the most of the opportunities it will present.”

Sands added: “Non-adoption is likely to have a negative impact on the industry as a whole. It’s clear from the research that the industry needs to be doing more to help such surveying firms – as well as the wider industry – in getting up to speed with the technology, particularly when it comes to how they can implement the technology across their organisation.”

Government is committed to using BIM to improve its management and operation of buildings and infrastructure. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing services are all critical to the effective operation of buildings.

The BIM study is live until 15 September.

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